Young Harmony

Young Harmony
Background information
Also known as Johnathan Bond & Young Harmony
Origin Chattanooga, TN, U.S.
Genres Southern Gospel, country
Years active 1994 (1994) - Present
Labels Xtreme Records, Morning Star Records, Lamon Records, Rick Hendrix Management, HIS Choice Music.
Johnathan Bond(1994-Present, Noel Walters(Nov. 2009-Present, Darlene Chapman(Nov. 2009-Present), TJ Green(2006-Present), Rick Hendrix.
Past members
Dustin Renolds, Phillip Hare, Larry Todd, Carl White, Tanner Sthal, Jason Singelton, Eli Shelton, Ginger Bond (1994-2009), Jonathan Maness, Markale Bond, Wesley Crowe.

Young Harmony


Musical career

During the week Johnathan and Ginger work in the office of Young Harmony preparing for the next weekend of ministering. They also make the most of their off-road time, spending it with their three children, Josh, Markale and Ashley. Ginger says this is sometimes a challenge as all three children are in college, but well worth it!

Johnathan and Ginger have been serving GOD in full-time ministry since 1995. Prior to that time, Ginger was singing, along with directing the Praise Team, at her local church. Johnathan was singing with two of his cousins known as, The McClure Trio. As concert dates began to increase, they then formed the Husband / Wife team and became known as, Young Harmony.

Although husband and wife are both accomplished musicians on several instruments, they sing with soundtracks in concert to achieve a more consistent sound. As for their favorite artists, they claim The Freemans and all the individual members of The Freemans as influences as well. Darrell Freeman is their producer. In an interesting side note, Johnathan wrote a song that was recorded by Mariah Carey and Boys To Men on their duet album. Young Harmony will minister anywhere they are invited, paid or unpaid. And, they will travel any distance to sing.

Young Harmony travels ministering in word and song everywhere from revivals to concerts. Anywhere the Lord leads, they view as an opportunity to lift up His name. Location, people, denomination, size of congregation, finances, etc., are no limits to Young Harmony when it comes to spreading the gospel. They fill approximately 200 concert dates per year and gives thanks to GOD for their calling in building the Kingdom.

Through serving and trusting in HIM, one of the most important lessons they have learned is that GOD is bigger than anything! They believe that people need to be reminded of the LOVE and POWER of JESUS. As a team, Young Harmony wants to, not only reach out to the lost and dying, but also to the church. Lead the lost to JESUS and help the church be who CHRIST intended. Together, they have one goal in mind - To build the KINGDOM of GOD. This is not a job to Johnathan and Ginger, it is a ministry. "We are called by the Master to lift up His name in singing, so we do just that everywhere we go. Remember the verse, 'the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.' (KJV-Psalms 37:23)", says Johnathan.

When asked about their greatest blessings in the ministry, Johnathan said, "We have the opportunity to reach out to hungry, lost and dying people from all different backgrounds of life. To know that we have made a difference, through Christ, in someone's life is worth all of our time and efforts."

One of Young Harmony's most exciting adventures happened when they were invited to sing at a funeral of a lady from Lexington, KY, whom they didn't even know. They sang one song, "Consolation On Your Knees", which is part of Johnathan's testimony. During the song, 72 people came to the altar and gave their hearts to GOD! According to Bond, "we've seen GOD use this song in many ways and know that He will continue using it to change lives". Check out the “Testimonies” CD for more exciting stories such as this one.

God has opened up many doors for Young Harmony. In 2008, they were inducted into the North America Country Music Hall of Fame. In 2007, their album, Strength was nominated as Southern Gospel Album of the Year. GOD Still GOD was nominated as Southern Gospel Song of the Year and also nominated as overall Song of the Year. In 2006, Young Harmony's song, Good Morning Lord was nominated as The Dove Awards Song of the Year. The project Faith, Hope and Joy was nominated in the Dove Awards as Album of the year in 2005. In November 2004 at the Ryman Auditorium on national television, Young Harmony was named 2004 Duet of the Year. These are just to name a few of the awards. Many recognize their charting songs such as, "I Need Your Grace", "What If He Didn't", "God's Still God", "Good Morning Lord", "God Has Not Forgotten You", "Can The World See Jesus In You" and "All He's Done For Me". Their latest radio release, "When JESUS Prays" (also written by Johnathan) has gained them even more notoriety. Johnathan stated, "Together our goal is to all GOD to use us to change lives, even one heart at a time!" [1]

Personal life

Johnathan Bond's Testimony

Written by Paula J. - Chattanooga Times Freepress On September 24, 1991, while driving on rain slick roads, an 18-wheeler pulled into his lane on a four lane road and forced him into oncoming traffic. His car was hit by two different vehicles with a force so great that it ripped his seat belt in half. "The next thing I remember was lying on a wet road and people were standing over me trying to find a pulse." After a few minutes of CPR, the paramedics said, "We can't do anything for him, he's dead." At that moment Johnathan heard a voice speak to him that said repeatedly, "Ask and you shall receiv." Remembering the teachings of the Word, Johnathan pleaded, "Lord, if You will save me and let me live, I'll live for You." When his mother arrived at the emergency room and asked about her son, the doctor put his arm around her and assured her that the ER team had done all they could, but they had lost him. Johnathan's mother heard the same voice speak to her the same words, "Ask and you shall receive". She then asked the doctor, who was a Christian, to pray with her for her son. Although he was simply being nice, as they prayed, a nurse ran up to the doctor and exclaimed, "That man is not dead!" Johnathan had begun to strangle while the nurse was preparing his body for identification. PRAISE GOD! Johnathan was then placed in the Intensive Care Unit. After further examination, the doctor told Mrs. Bond, "Although God has answered our prayers and brought back your son, he would probably be better off dead". Johnathan's injuries were extensive and massive. He had a brain aneurysm from a fractured skull. His head was swollen past his shoulders. His right eye was loosed from the socket ad was being held with two out of 50 ligaments. His face was cut. Two ribs, his right arm and shoulder had been broken. His back was broken in nine places and he was paralyzed from right above his waist down. The most critical was oxygen had been cut off to his brain for approximately 18 ½ minutes. The doctor said, "Mrs. Bond, there is no way." Three days after the accident while in Intensive Care, Johnathan's heart stopped and the doctors rushed in to try to revive him. Without success, the doctor informed his mom once again that they had lost him. She said, "Do you remember the first day I came in here? Will you pray with me again?" The doctor, Johnathan's mom and a non-Christian nurse began to pray. As they prayed, GOD brought Johnathan back once again. Four days after his wreck, Johnathan walked out of the hospital completely healed from head to toe. No surgeries by man, just the GREAT PHYSICIAN, JESUS! GOD IS SO AWESOME!

Ginger Bond's Testimony

It started in the spring of 1997. I began having some female problems. As a wife, a mother and being on the road in music ministry, I simply had too much going on to think about these problems. I just kept pushing them to the back of my mind. The problems continued to get worse until I was at the point where I finally knew that I need to be checked so I said to Johnathan, “something is wrong, I need to go to the doctor”. I made an appointment and went to the Women’s Center in East Ridge, TN. After talking to the doctor he began to run some tests. Just a short while later, the doctor called us back in and sat both Johnathan and me down. Neither of us had any idea of what he was about to tell us. His words, although very unexpected, would be something that I would never forget. He said “Mrs. Bond, you have Ovarian Cancer, we are going to have to do a complete hysterectomy.” He shared with both of us about what all that meant. One thing that he said is that right before the surgery they do what is called an ultrasound. The ultrasound would show them the exact size of the tumor before the start the surgery. The doctor left the room to get everything set up, leaving Johnathan and me there to cope with the bad news. Johnathan asked if I was ok. I turned to HIM and simply said, “I don’t understand. We travel and do what GOD has called us to, we tell people every day that GOD is bigger than their problems and now I am the one with cancer. I don’t understand!” Johnathan said “GOD is still bigger than our problems and all we need to do is pray and give it to GOD. While we were praying, GOD spoke the scripture to Johnathan, “If we have the faith as a grain of mustard seed, we can speak to the mountains we are facing and they have no choice but to crumble.” That is just what we did. We spoke to the mountain of Cancer! The doctor’s office sent me to the hospital for the ultrasound, which, again, would pinpoint the exact location and size of the tumor before they started the operation. As they began to do the ultrasound, Johnathan waited outside in the waiting area. He said that he noticed the doctor leave and then return with another doctor. The doctors redid the ultrasound, making sure that it was correct. Here was my news after the ultrasound, “Mrs. Bond, we don’t understand exactly what has happened, but here is the x-ray showing the tumor. It is definitely there. ut while we were performing the ultrasound, the tumor simply burst and disintegrated right before our eyes. We can’t find a trace of any of the Cancer cells.” I said, “I do understand. Let me tell you what happened...” It has been over ten years now since GOD healed me of ovarian cancer. No surgery, no radiation, no chemotherapy, just a mustard seed of faith and JESUS!



Studio Albums
Compilation Disc

Music videos



Awards and nominations

2007, Album of the Year “Strength” - Nominated (Dove Awards) 2007, SG Recorded Song of the Year “God’s Still God” – Nominated (Dove Awards) 2007, Song of the Year “Johnanthan Bond” – Nominated (Dove Awards) 2006, SG Recorded Song of the Year “Good Morning Lord” – Nominated (Dove Awards)

2008, SG Artist of the Year – Nominated (KCCM) 2007, SG Artist of the Year – Win (KCCM) 2005, SG Artist of the Year – Win (KCCM)

2004, Vocal Duo of The Year – Won (CCMA) 2003, Vocal Duo of The Year – Nominated (CCMA) 2002, Vocal Duo of The Year – Nominated (CCMA)

2007, Horizon Group - Nominated (SNFA) 2007, Horizon Group - Nominated (SNFA) 2007, Horizon Group - Nominated (SNFA)

2007, Duet of the Year – Nominated (Diamond Awards) 2007, Bluegrass Gospel Artist of the Year – Nominated (Diamond Awards)


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External links